How HotelPlanner takes growth in traffic in stride

Learn how HotelPlanner was able to scale while boosting approvals by 2%

More approvals, more business

A leading provider of online solutions and services to the global hotel sales market, HotelPlanner technology helps ensure the lowest rates for travelers by allowing customers to receive quotes online directly from hotel group sales managers and to gain access to all rates sources in the industry.

However, a surge in  traffic, younger travelers, and last-minute bookings are making fraud detection a complex challenge. 

Watch this quick video to hear how Riskified helped HotelPlanner’s operations team handle a complex fraud landscape and approve more bookings to drive growth.

Jim Fryer

Senior Director of Operations

The partnership with Riskified has impacted our business tremendously. We’re seeing a lot more transactions come through and a lot more business as a result of it.