Adam Chandler
Riskified has a new look these days. That's for many good (revenue-boosting) reasons.
Ever since parents started sneaking broccoli into mac and cheese, fraud has been a problem in the world of food. Unfortunately, the fraud dilemma has not only evolved with the times, it’s also grown up to have some very adult consequences. Today, fraud makes all the ways that customers shop rife with peril and frustration, … Continued
By now, we’re all familiar with the promise of eCommerce and mCommerce. Today’s busy, multi-tasking, on-the-go consumer can make all kinds of purchases while walking the dog, sitting in a boring meeting, or (gasp!) driving a car. But, despite that promise, global shopping patterns haven’t quite caught up. In fact, the digital retail economy is … Continued
At Riskified, our work centers on relationships with merchants. Our favorite conversations are the ones about how we can help them approve more orders, operate more efficiently, and fend off the threats of fraud and false declines. But, in order to gain some new insights for 2019, we recently turned our attention to U.S. consumers. … Continued
Any good captain will tell you it’s impossible to acquire customers in a turbulent industry like travel without a good flight plan. For airlines and online travel agencies (OTAs), that’s where loyalty and frequent flyer programs, alliances and partnerships, fare sales and social outreach all come into play. But Facebook posts, low fares, and pretzel-filled … Continued