3 ways to boost your authorization rates (while still blocking out fraud)

Essential information payments executives need to know

August 2024

Inside this report

Up to 70% of declined authorizations may be for purchases by legitimate shoppers, hurting both your revenue and your customer experience. The good news is, payments executives are far from powerless to improve authorization rates, and this playbook lays out the essential steps you can take now.

Download three ways to improve authorization rates: what every payments executive needs to know.

  • Learn what authorization rates are and why they matter
  • Understand the diverse causes of low authorization rates
  • Learn why higher auth rates boost your business and revenues
  • Know when to work with a partner to raise your authorization rates
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Table of contents

01.  Introduction: What are authorization rates and why do they matter?

02. What causes low authorization rates?

03.  Why higher authorization rates result in better business—and revenue

04.  When to work with a partner to raise authorization rates

05.  Conclusion