Addressing the Return Policy Abuse Dilemma: How to Protect Your Brand, CX, and Revenue

Merchants no longer have to rely on traditional, ineffective methods to address return policy abuse.

About this webinar

The exploitation of merchant policies has become an escalating problem with significant impacts on customers’ experiences and the bottom line. In a November 2022 surveynearly half of U.S. shoppers admitted to taking advantage of retailers’ policies to obtain goods through fraudulent returns, wardrobing, coupon fraud, and more.

The good news is that merchants no longer have to rely on traditional, ineffective methods for addressing return policy abuse.

Andras Cser, our guest speaker, is a Vice President and Principal Analyst at Forrester and he joins Eyal Elazar, Riskified’s Policy Domain Expert, to discuss this growing (and costly) trend and new approaches to tackling this complex risk. We’ll take a close look at:

  • Breaking down the differences between card-not-present (CNP) fraud and policy abuse (e.g., return and refund fraud, item-not-received claims, and promotional fraud)
  • Understanding the cycle and nuances of policy exploitation
  • Learning about the long-term threats of unaddressed return policy abuse
  • Leveraging technology and data-driven insights to implement an identity-centric solution
  • Finding the right solutions and partners to safeguard your business

Eyal Elazar

Policy Domain Expert, Riskified

Andras Cser

VP and Principal Analyst, Forrester

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